Notification to all Embassies

National Asset Management Committee of We the Native Indigenous Hellenes

To: All Embassies operating within the Hellenic territory

We would like to inform you as of 15/04/2022, the entire 13 regions that constitute the total territorial area of Hellas or otherwise known as the country of Greece, as well as all immovable, intellectual and cultural property of the Hellenic people has been seized. We have proceeded with the above mentioned seizure for the protection of our country/nation and for the benefit of all Hellenes, after having previously revoked any power of representation appointed to the Hellenic Republic Government and anyone else acting herein as appointed representative or mercantile agent.

The reported seizure was made by virtue of a tacit agreement between us (the National Committee of the Native & Indigenous Hellenes which consists of 1648 municipal committees) and the political representatives of the Greek people (otherwise known as the central government and all local governments).
Therefore, we hereby inform you that from now on, any contract you enter into with the Hellenic Democratic Government is henceforth invalid. The sole entitlement of the total territory, the territory of Hellas and all its intellectual and cultural assets, belong to the National Property Management Committee of We the Native & Indigenous Hellenes, as the managers and perpetual/generational owners in Dominium of the geographical region known as Hellas/Greece.

We would also like to notify you that, in the event you have entered into any prior agreement, concerning our country Hellas/Greece, from 06/04/2020 and onwards be it known that it is invalid unless it bears our approval. This clearly because we have been involved in the management of Hellas/Greece since 06/04/2020 as comanagers, due to the revocation by virtue of estoppel of all political or acting representatives.

As such and in the spirit of full disclosure and transparency in avoidance of any conflicts of interest, we kindly ask you to inform your government as well as all citizens of your country to whom it may concern the aforementioned developments. This notice given today henceforth renders invalid any government or private professional agreements made with our country Hellas/Greece unless expressly approved by us by virtue of Nemo dat quod non habet. For matters concerning any future or existing contracts prior to 06/04/2020 of which contractual obligations are in effect, please contact us at for consideration and revaluation.

National Asset Management Committee of We the Native Indigenous Hellenes

Athens, 05/08/2022